Preliminary Settings of AutoCAD Plant 3D

Before the user can start using this plugin, AutoCAD Plant 3D workspace needs to be prepared. The user can achieve that by following the guidelines below:


Launch AutoCAD Plant 3D and either Create a New Project or Load Existing. You can choose your system of units at this stage. In the opened project Create or Open a drawing


In the command window type command PLANTREGISTERCUSTOMSCRIPTS and press ENTER (This step is to be revised after an upgrade as well). This command shall compile the Python Scripts placed inside the resources directory by the installer. These compiled scripts essentially work as a library for the cable trays.


In the command window type PLANTENDCODES and press ENTER. This will open a dialog box where the user can define the Endcode category for the cable trays. The endcode is the connection point between two components in AutoCAD Plant 3D, a mismatch in the Endcode will result in the failure or incorrect Isometric generation. In the dialog box that is opened, if you can see the Endcode named CT in your list then you can skip this step otherwise Click Add and fill in the details below:

  • Endcode name: CT
  • Description: <Anything>
  • Checkbox Can Cutback is enabled.
  • Click OK


The next thing is to create a new Joint in the Project Setting so that when two tray components are joined together, AutoCAD Plant 3D knows how to join them. This joint is essential for creating isometric drawings. This step needs to be performed for every new project the user makes.

Go to your Project Setting (by right-clicking on the Project Name in the Projects Manager Pallet) and navigate to Plant 3D DWG Settings > Piping Connection Setting. Click on Add to create a new Joint with following settings:

  • Joint Name: CTJoint
  • Display Name: <Anything>
  • End1 and End2 Connections: CT
  • Add Property: Nominal Diameter
  • Fasteners: Universal


Import corresponding cable tray specification sheets in the project. To do so, Right-Click on Pipe Specs in the Project Manager Palette and select Copy Specs to Project. Navigate to the folder where the Specs are stored on your machine (i.e., the installation folder) and select the specs sheet you like. Keep in mind to select the correct unit system while choosing a specs sheet. Once imported, the part in that specs sheet can be used.

NOTE: If this installation is an upgrade (i.e. previous version of Parametric Cable Tray Plugin was installed on the machine) then the user first needs to Remove previous specification sheet. To do that, select any other specification as current (i.e. other than MCT_*) and then remove all labeled MCT_* and go on with the Importing of upgraded specification sheets.


Sometimes, AutoCAD Plant 3D does not register right away the inclusion of the Specs Sheet, if that happens, simply restart the AutoCAD Plant 3D application and it will all be good.

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